Valerie Fox-Armes (Fall 2012)

My name is Valerie Fox-Armes. I am 51, a wife, mother and grandmother, a self-taught fiber artist (except for the sewing….thanks, Mom!) and love to belly dance and bake. I wallow in fabric, silk, yarns, dyes, beads and chocolate. They’re everywhere.

I have worked as a hot-dog cook, wallpaper sales clerk, bank teller, deli caterer, crafts manager, massage therapist and now, happily, I work in a quilt shop. All through this, I drew and doodled, usually in pen and ink, but never was serious about it. I started painting silk on a whim when I turned 40 and was instantly hooked. Now I dye silk, yarns and quilting cotton using a variety of techniques from ice-cube dyeing to Japanese Shibori. Fortunately, my husband is of the opinion that I can do anything and puts up with my stuff everywhere. He has even made a steamer for me out of an old water heater, a canner and a clam cooker. I like him.

I am lucky to have been encouraged in all my endeavors by my parents, husband, children and friends. Thank-you all. Never shy away from trying something new…who knows; you may just find your bliss.

Life is good. Blessed be.

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Koi Nebula 54×32
Dye Painted silk $450