Suzanne Koidahl (Fall 2012)

Born and raised in Western Washington, I’ve been working with fabric since high school, but only began quilting and appliqué with the new millennium.

After purchasing a new sewing machine, with all the bells and whistles, and taking classes on how to use it, I became hooked on quilting and machine embroidery. Soon this branched out into free motion and appliqué pattern development.

In 2006, after a year long class with Jean B. Mills exploring various fiber media I began to have more confidence in my fabric expressions. Generally I am drawn to bright colors, whimsy and organic, more natural designs.

Travels to Japan, Italy, Greece, Turkey and Russia, as well as a jaunt to Central America via the Panama Canal, have inspired my work in several ways. Fabric from different lands, speak to me and encourage new perspectives. I am continually intrigued by clothing designs and their embellishments and how to interpret this in my art.

Membership in the Red Hat Aristocrats allows me to practice my strange humor; and my Pieceful Discovers Quilt Guild membership has pushed me towards continuous growth and improvement in my quilting.

Living in Grays Harbor on a tree farm overlooking North River, along with my extensive flower gardens, has also enriched my appreciation of all natural beauty. My interpretation in fiber arts is, of course, my own.

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Kimona Series $150