Kathi Butorac (Fall 2012)

The last couple years I have really been inspired by the beautiful Cascade Mountains and what could be more inspiring for a painter than to be out in the back country: beautiful weather, brush in hand, and no time limits. Conditions are so perfect that you do not have to wait for your paper to dry between layers of washes. It seems that summer is the prime time for me to paint these days. It presents me with many spectacular settings

No matter how far from the car or boat, I carry my own gear. Ahh, but the beauty of the rocks in the shallow edges at the shore of the lake, seems to be magnified and made sharper with the thin layer of water over them. (And, it’s not wrong to disturb the calmness by walking through the water to cool my feet.) The lush greens of our Pacific Northwest were the inspiration for my paintings this year. I hope they take you to the special places where they were painted and help you relax, regardless o where you really are.

As a matter of fact, my efforts begin with a drawing. Drawing with charcoal or graphite, the landscape becomes accessible to me. And finally, a drawing may be enough for me. Maybe not.

Contact: kbutorac1_elma@hotmail.com

Reflections 19 x 21 Watercolor $225