Fran Allen (Fall 2013)

I was born and raised in Lakewood. I graduated from the University of Puget Sound. I raised three children in Spokane and, with them, was involved with the Spokane Art School.

Many years ago I enjoyed spending time in my father’s professional lab developing and printing black and white photgraphs and learning about photography which has always been a part of my life. After working in Olympia for many years, I retired to Ocosta, WA in 2004, with husband Jim.

Being retired I enjoy having the time to pursue hobbies I have done since I was a child, knitting and photography, walking on the beach, collecting rocks and shells. When I take my camera with me I find that I am more aware of my surroundings. In the last couple of years I have entered photographs in art shows in Grays Harbor. I am a member of the Harbor Art Guild and South Beach Art Association.

A new hobby is playing the ukulele with a group in Grays Harbor known as the Salmonberry Band which hopefully proves that we can still learn at any age no matter how difficult. I enjoy being creative in different ways and am never sure what will come next.

Contact: Phone 360 648 9938 email

Evergreen Reflection 17×21 Photography $75

Eye of the Bubble 17×21 Photography $75

Rain Forest Lace 16×13 Photography $50

First Poppy 13×17 Photography $50