Beverly King Lufkin (Spring 2013)

Signature life member Northwest Watercolor Society

Born 1943, Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania, and graduated Kurtztown State University 1965, with BS Art Education Degree; Bev attended University of Vermont and Haystack Mountain School of Crafts. She taught public school art in New York State. Bev is the recipient of numerous awards for art work over forty years; in particular, paintings done outdoors on location in the Pacific Northwest.

“Painting outdoors, mainly in watercolor, has been a prime interest since my early childhood in Eastern Pennsylvania. I had a string of talented instructors from grade school through college and beyond. Traveling to many picturesque places like Italy, Mexico, England and Ireland; I found it enriching and productive to work from a town square or a charming vista. However, I have never become immune to the beautiful Pacific Northwest where most of my pieces are created.”

Contact: 360 533 6260

Bowerman Basin 20 x 30 Watercolor $250
Woods at Lake Sylvia 12 x 20 Watercolor $160
Swallows Back at the Bog 25 x 18 Watercolor $220

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2013 Spring Show